Electrifying hand dyed yarns, with personality!

Posts tagged ‘New place’


Ya, so obviously I’ve been a bit of a blog slacker for the last, oh, 6 months *blush* sorry bout that.

We’ve gained a condo, lost a dog, remodeled, took up extra projects, and are finally coming back around on the other side.  Mostly.  My free time is usually spent like this…

I'm not sure why she likes to stack toys on me.

I’m not sure why she likes to stack toys on me.

I swear this just happens when Little and I “play.”  Of corse she also likes to “help” when I’m attempting to knit as well.

Sly face!

Sly face!

So as you can probably tell, things are slow going.  I’m hoping to get the dye pots out of boxes in the next week.  In the mean time, here’s my first batches of hand spun that have come off my new wheel!

On our sunny new balcony!

On our sunny new balcony!

Dyed, spun, and chain plied by me!!!

Dyed, spun, and chain plied by me!!!

So much pretty <3

So much pretty ❤