Electrifying hand dyed yarns, with personality!

Posts tagged ‘Ravelry’

What I’m Not Knitting

The chevron baby blanket plugs along (as blankets usually do), and I’m starting to day dream about other projects I’d like to start.  My sister is expecting a little boy in early November, so there is another blanket waiting in the wings, not to mention a few unfinished objects that got tossed aside during the move.  We’re going to pretend those aren’t there right now.

What I really want is something in linen!

Living in Southern California, and having the total lack of winter we had last year, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to knit with things other than 100% wool sometimes.  As much as I love my wool, and all things wolly, there just aren’t enough cold days in our year to add more wool accessories to the mix.  (I know those of you in colder climates are just crying for me.)

I’ve had my eye on the Summer Scarf ever since spying it at Two Sisters and Ewe during the San Diego yarn crawl last year.

Summer Scarf by Janet Avila

Summer Scarf by Janet Avila

I’m also contemplating my first knit top, and the Silken Straw Summer Sweater looks perfectly summery, and not at all deceptive!  I’m just sure I’ll look perfectly fit and flattered in it.  (Just let me hang onto my delusions until I’ve knit it.)

Silken Straw Summer Sweater by Purl Soho

Silken Straw Summer Sweater by Purl Soho

For now, it’s all the chevron I can handle.  ON TO THE BLANKET!!!